Salt is an essential ingredient in the manufacturing process of Soap, Detergent and Glycerin.
Al kausar salt offers best grades of salt ideal to fulfill the requirements of the soap, detergent and glycerin manufacturers.
Product Description
The manufacturing process of soap, detergent and glycerin involves the use of salt. During this process, the soap is washed with concentrated brine solution (NaCl) to separate glycerin. This is done after the saponification reaction.
The solubility of soap in water increases with an increase in the size of monovalent cation. Similarly, an increase in divalent cation (Ca & Mg) results in a decrease in the solubility. The increase in the water solubility leads to the softness and mushiness of the soap. The divalent ions, Ca & Mg, cause problems during the manufacturing process of the soap by making it mushy and soft.